Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Career Change...Is it Just Too Hard?

I received a phone call from a new client who was frustrated with her career. Each day work drained her energy and left her longing for bed. The interesting thing was that after a few minutes this client told me exactly what career she wanted. She knew what she wanted to do but was not pursuing her dream. Why? She was holding onto the limiting belief that "Changing careers is too hard. It will take too much work." Here she was stuck in a job she didn't like because she was afraid it would be too hard to change.

This client is not alone. The old saying, "The devil you know is often better then the devil you don't." is an old saying for a reason. We are willing to put up with the job we know because we are afraid of change and how hard it might be. But what is hard? I think hard is getting up every morning and dragging out the door to a job I hate. Hard is having this hopeless feeling that I'll be going to this job, spending precious hours of my life, at a place I dread being at. It is hard work showing up at a job that drains my energy and leaves me unable to really enjoy life even after I leave the workplace in the evening. Now THAT is what I consider hard!!

Pursuing a new career, one that interests and excites you can be a great adventure with loads of fun. Will it take some time and energy? Absolutely! Energy and work spent on something you love is a completely different feeling then spending energy on something you dislike. Think back to a time when you learned something new...something you wanted to learn. Maybe when you first learned to ride a bike. You got on the bike and everything felt wobbly and scary. There probably were a lot of falls that first day. But you kept practicing because you wanted to ride that bike! Pretty soon you could ride a little ways with out falling. What a feeling! Before long you were zipping around the neighborhood with the wind in your hair.

When you first begin to change your career or start that new business it is often overwhelming. Just like when you learned to ride a bike everything feels new and unsteady. There is so much to learn and accomplish. Take it easy on yourself and break your tasks into small steps. Take one step at a time and allow mistakes and learning to take place. All of this... mistakes, overwhelm, fear, comes with change and you will be alright.

Take those small steps, keeping your eyes on the goal and before you know it you will have the career or business you have always dreamed of. Oh, and guess what? You will look back and say, "Yes, it took some work but it was absolutely worth it!"

Leanna Fredrich helps people discover their passion and build a business or career around it. To contact her send an email to

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

July Quotes and Coaching Questions


"You've got to ask. Asking is, in my opinion, the world's most powerful and neglected secret to success and happiness." Percy Ross (Self-made millionaire)

"Just get used to the idea that there's going to be a lot of rejection along the way to the brass ring." Jack Canfield

"To be alive at all involves some risk." Harold MacMillan

In order to get what you want in life it is important to have the bravery to ask for it. This is extremely hard to do for most of us. It involves facing rejection head on. The truth is that thinking about the rejection is much harder then facing it and you just might get the wonderful answer of "Yes!" Ask for what you want directly and politely. Prefacing your request with, "I know you probably don't want this but..." or "It's ok if you say no" is NOT the way to ask. Just ask directly and then a simple "Thank you." for a yes and "Thanks anyway" for a no response is all that is needed. Keep it simple and keep asking. It gets easier and the rewards are huge!

Coaching Questions:

1. What would you like to ask for at work?

2. What would you like to ask for at home?

3. How has being afraid to ask for what you want hurt you?

4. What will you ask for today?

Dance with Joy,
Leanna Fredrich
Life Coach

"If you need support as you choose to ask for what you want contact Leanna at"

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