Monday, July 06, 2009

Do You Have a Tribe?

"Finding your tribe can have transformative effects on your sense of identity and purpose. This is because of three powerful tribal dynamics: validation, inspiration, and what we'll call here the "alchemy of synergy." Ken Robinson

"Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are." JC Hare and A.W. Hare

"Each person has an aptitude born with them. Do your work." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thinking it Through...

One of the things I love to do in my Coaching practice is to help people find their strengths...those unique ways of thinking and creating that they were born with. I have been reading a book called The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. One of the concepts in this book that I had not thought much about was the importance of finding your tribe. When you are with your tribe you feel inspired to create, take chances and most of all you feel "at home." Even if your passion requires a certain amount of solitude you still need a tribe. Martha Beck, a self-help author, has a wonderful group of women writers who she meets with on a regular basis. Freeman Dyson, the physicist says that when he is writing he needs to be alone but when he is actually doing science he welcomes interaction with others. "Up to a point you welcome being interrupted because it is only by interacting with other people that you get anything interesting done."

Perhaps you can even discover your passion by looking for the people you love to be around. By noticing their interests and strengths it will be a sign pointing to your own strengths and passions. Watch for the people and activities that fill you with energy and life. So here's to filling your life with your passions and strengths and having a tribe to keep you inspired!


1. Who belongs to your tribe? What are their characteristics and passions?

2. What are the activities you do where you feel most like yourself?

3. When did you last lose track of time during an activity?

Dance with Joy,
Leanna Fredrich
Life Coach

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