Monday, December 01, 2008

December Quotes and Coaching Questions


"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want." Ben Stein

"Be as specific as possible with all aspects of your goal." Jack Canfield

"The soul, the self, requires concreteness. There is comfort in knowing and acting on specifics." Victoria Moran

Imagine for a minute your frustration if you looked at the care tag on a new piece of clothing and it said you could... "Hand wash in cold water, Dry clean or Machine wash in warm water."All that's left is head out to the nearest stream and rub vigorously on a rock! What do you do? The vagueness, especially if you really liked the new garment, would drive you crazy! Isn't this what most of us do when it comes to what we want in life? "I'd like a new job." "I'd like to find a husband." "I want more savings." These statements tell us very little about what we really want. Commit this new year to being specific in all the important areas of your life. Learn to ask for what you want and require others to be clear on what they want from you. This one change will bring more clarity, certainty and peace to your life as we start a new year.

Coaching Questions:

  1. What do you want in 2009? Be specific! If you want a new job make a list of all the things you are looking for in this job.

  2. Are you clear when you ask for something? Listen to how you make requests.

  3. Do you say, "I don't care" or when given a choice do you hear yourself say, "Either one."? Just for practice require yourself to make a clear choice.

  4. What is a part of your life that is definitely NOT working? Take time to write down, in clear terms what you want in that area of your life.

Leanna Fredrich
Life Coach

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