Monday, April 30, 2007

What You Should Know About Problems

May's Coaching Quotes and Questions

"We build the courage to get through the substantial trials by learning to cohabit serenely with the trivia." Victoria Moran

"If you can come through the snow and the rain and the sleet, you know you can make it easily when the sun is out and everything is all right." Malcolm X

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." Marcus Aurelius

Coaching Thoughts and Questions:

1. Are you waiting for things to be perfect to enjoy life?

2. What are the problems you have right now that are getting in your way?

3. What can you do today to begin to take care of those problems.

4. What can you do today to enjoy life in spite of the problems in it?

Learning how to deal with problems and love life anyway is an invaluable skill. The truth is that the day we don't have problems is the day that we are dead and buried! How do you deal with your problems and enjoy life? The first step is to allow yourself to have fun even though your life is not perfect. Doing this is not denial it is a healthy way to live with a problem without making your life a problem! So act happy and normal in spite of what is going on.

The next step is to ask yourself what you can do today to begin solving your problem. Take the steps you need to and then go off and do other wonderful things. Put fences around your problems so they don't take over your life. You have many great things going on. Do what you need to do to take care of your problems and then spend the rest of your day focused on all the things you are grateful for!

Dance with Joy,

Leanna Fredrich
Success Coach for Executive and Professional Women

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Monday, April 16, 2007

How to Find Your Passion-filled Career by Listening to Your Body Talk

Let's face it most of us spend our lives in our heads. When we have a decision to make we use our head. We research, analyze and think, think, think! Now, there is nothing wrong with a bit of thought but when we leave out our body's wisdom our thinking often heads the wrong direction. This is a statement I often hear from client's, “I don't know what I want anymore! I feel lost." Our body can be our greatest friend when it comes to figuring out what we want. It is very hard for the body to lie. That is why lie detectors work so well. Our body tends to tell the truth. Have you ever had a job that you didn't like? Did your body complain by getting sick often, getting headaches, neck aches, backaches, feeling exhausted? My guess is that it did. Our wonderful body has ways of saying “no” to things we don't want or like. The problem is that most of us are not listening. In fact we often do not listen until the messages get so loud that we are knocked flat on our backs...literally! The way to find your passion-filled work and life is to learn to listen to your body saying "Yes" or "No".

So how do you do that? I'm glad you asked! Here is a simple exercise to help you notice the signs your body gives you. Take a minute to think of the worst job you ever had. Really imagine yourself working that job again. Now notice what your body is doing and feeling. Did your hand touch your throat? Do you feel tension in your shoulders? All these are signs that your body is telling you "NO!" You can play with this some more by thinking of the three people you dislike the most. Imagine all three of them moving in with you!! Help! What is your body doing and feeling now? Make notes about how your body says "no" so you will remember.

The next step is noticing how your body says "Yes". Think of the best job you have ever had. Maybe it was a volunteer job. Imagine yourself showing up for work at that job again. What are your hands doing? Are they relaxing? Did your shoulders come down? How do you feel? Does your head feel light? Do you have butterflies in your stomach? Try the same exercise thinking of your three favorite people coming over for dinner. Don't you love that feeling?! Now you have a good idea of what it feels and looks like when your body is saying, "yes".

Does this mean that when you follow your passions and listen to your body you will always feel good? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Following your passions requires risk. It requires you to move out of your comfort zone. When you do that you will feel fear. Sometimes following our passions requires us to do some painful healing as well. You will learn the difference between the discomfort of your body saying "No" and the discomfort of healing and the fear of trying something new. The latter feels cleaner, it often has excitement mixed in with the fear, it feels necessary and exhilarating when you go through it.

Start today to listen to your body and when it says "yes" follow that. When it says "no" honor that as well. I know it may sound impossible to do at first but take baby steps, experiment with it. Soon you will learn to trust those feelings and your body will lead you to your true path, the path that will fill you with joy and keep your life and work passion-filled!

Leanna Fredrich works with professional and executive women in the 2nd half of their careers who are burned out and don't know what to do next. She helps them go from burned out to fired up by finding meaningful and passion-filled work. Are you serious about creating an amazing life? Take the FREE “How to Discover Your Passion-filled Work” ecourse. For more information go to

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Is a Mountain Stopping You?

April's Quotes and Coaching Questions

"Trust life and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know." James Baldwin

"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." Frank Clark

"If you're looking for a charmed life, or even just a ray of hope, you first have to recognize the mountain that is most effectively blocking your way." Victoria Moran

Coaching Thoughts and Questions:

1. What is your mountain? What is the story you keep telling yourself that stops you from moving forward to the life you've dreamed of?
Too much debt and too little money? Not enough education? A chronic illness? Being overweight?

2. What are your beliefs having to do with this mountain? "I don't deserve more money." "I will never be at my ideal weight." "My friends will feel uncomfortable if I am too successful."

3. What action is your mountain keeping you from taking?

4. Are you ready to deal with your mountain? I hope you said a loud "YES!" If you did, read the suggestions on how to deal with that nasty obstacle.

Many times the best way to deal with your mountain is to do nothing with it. Yes, I said do nothing! Often we have been focusing on it so long that it has grown huge. Move your focus away from the mountain and let the process of life take care of it. Remember how often even the most baffling situations work themselves out.

This does not mean it is time to sit on your bum and wait for your beautiful life to fall into your lap. Your job is to do what needs to be done to live a joyful life in spite of your mountain. Take care of yourself. Make breakfast. Spend time with friends. Take an action step towards your goals. While you are busy doing these things and focusing on what you love your mountain may start to shrink or you may feel as if you have been lifted over. However it works out you will no longer be focused on this huge obstacle. In fact that awful,scary mountain of yours may actually turn into a road to your dreams!

Have a wonderful April.

Dance with Joy,
Leanna Fredrich
Success Coach for Professional and Executive Women
"When you are ready to go from burned out to fired up!"

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