Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Are You Ready to Enjoy this Chapter?


"And so we turn the page over/ To think of starting. This is all there is." John Ahbery

"I didn't get my first show until I was 45. If I could tell you anything, I would tell you that you have time." Agnes Martin

"Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold/ your own myth..." Rumi

I don't know when or how it started but there it is, we feel like we need to do everything right now. We feel this intense pressure to accomplishing everything in this instant! What we need to realize is that our lives are like a novel. There are many chapters. Right now we are living only one chapter and soon we will move on to the next. Are you enjoying and putting your energy in the NOW- in the chapter you are writing this moment? What chapter are you living? Is it the raising small children chapter? Is it the messy getting a divorce chapter? Is it the changing career chapter? Sure you may want to change some things and you can take steps to do so but it all does not have to be done now. Relax and enjoy where you are at. Often I hear,"But I am getting older and I won't have time..." There are very few things that age prevents you from doing. We underestimate what we can accomplish over a lifetime and we overestimate what we can accomplish this week! My challenge to you is to decide what chapters you want in your life story. Accept that fate may give you a few others. Focus and love the chapter you are in now and trust that it is preparing you for your next chapter.

Coaching Questions:

1. What do you wish to accomplish during this chapter of your life?

2. Are you trying to stuff too much into this chapter at the expense of enjoying it?

3. Are you letting limiting beliefs of aging get in your way of planning your next chapter?

4. What can you take out of this chapter that is stressing you and add to this chapter that will bring you joy?

Happy Life-Writing!

Leanna Fredrich
Success Coach
"When you are ready to go from burned out to fired up!"

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

What You Need to Know About Dreams that Stalk You

Donna has been telling people for years that she wants to start her own business. She has dreamed about it since she was in high school but instead of taking steps towards following her dream, she has spent her days in the corporate world. When asked, Donna will say she doesn't know what she wants to do for a career. All she knows is that she is burned out with what she is doing. Yet, everyone around her knows the dream that has been following her – the dream of being her own boss.

Many of us have dreams that are following us around while we desperately try to ignore them! Think for a minute. Have you heard yourself saying things like..."I'd love to turn this hobby into a career but..." or "I've always wanted to be my own boss but..." or "What I really wanted to do was _______ but now it is too late." If this sounds like you then it is time to turn around and look those dreams right in the face. They hold clues to what your passion-filled career change can be

What keeps us running from our dreams? One of the most common reasons I have seen as a Life Coach is that we think it is too late to live a dream. Most of the time that is absolutely false! We give up on our dreams way too fast. I remember reading about a woman who always dreamed of being a doctor. She was 60 years old when she went back to college to pursue that dream. Many people asked her, "Do you realize that you will be almost 70 years old by the time you get out of school and begin your career?" Her answer was always, "I can be 70 and a doctor or 70 and not a doctor. Either way I'll turn 70. I would much rather be 70 and a doctor!" She went on to achieve her MD and is still enjoying her thriving career. Are you giving up too soon?

I'll admit (although reluctantly) that sometimes it might be too late to accomplish certain dreams. For example becoming a professional athlete in your 60's might not happen. Although, I really hate to say that because of a man called Banana George. He begin barefooting at the age of 46. He now holds 4 world records and is a professional barefooter. To top that off when George turned 75 he learned how to snowboard! Be very careful before you decide your dream is "impossible"! But if you really, really believe that the dream you have is impossible for you to reach then take a look at the essence of your dream. What is it that you wanted most from it? If you wanted to be a professional dancer then what attracted you to that career? Was it the movement? If so you can have a career around movement . Was it the music? Was it the thrill of performing on stage? The challenge of mastering something and being known for it? Whatever you loved about that dream you can have in many different careers. Take the essence of that dream and find a career to meet that essence.

The next time you hear yourself saying, "I have no idea what I am passionate about or what I want to do for a career change." take a quick peek behind you. Do you have a dream that is stalking you? If you do look it in the eye and start taking it seriously. I have been amazed over and over again at how well those clingy dreams lead people to exciting, passionate, and meaningful careers!

Leanna Fredrich works with professional and executive women in the 2nd half of their careers who are burned out and don't know what to do next. She helps them go from burned out to fired up by finding meaningful and passion-filled work. Are you serious about creating an amazing life? Take the FREE “How to Discover Your Passion-filled Work” email class. For more information go to http://www. LeannaFredrich.com

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Do You Feel Stuck?

"The distance isn't important, it is only the first step that is difficult." Marquise du Deffand

"I believe how I act today will affect the way I am tomorrow." Katherine Hepburn

"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." Margaret Bonanno

Have you ever felt stuck? It is probably one of the worst feelings we can experience. I specialize in Coaching people to find passion-filled careers and so that is the area I see people stuck in most. Often they have done absolutely nothing for years and years to change a career they are unhappy with. They wonder around and around in their same deep rut . The fact is that we are never really stuck we just keep doing the same things over and over and so we FEEL stuck!

So how do you move out of that "stuck" place. Well, it is not glamorous, but the best way to start moving out of your nasty rut is to do the next indicated action. What I mean by that is to ask yourself, "What is one step I can take today to do something different about this problem?" It may be a small action step and most likely should be. Then do it! Don't fall into the black hole of worrying that your action step is not the "right" one. It is more important that you are taking action NOT that it is the "right" action. Often that first action step is the most difficult to take but as you ask the question everyday and keep moving forward it will get easier and easier. Soon you will look back and realize that you are out of your awful rut and on to someplace wonderful and new.

Coaching Questions:

1. In what area of your life do you feel stuck?

2. What are you gaining by being stuck in this area? (We never stay anywhere for long if it isn't serving us in some way.)

3. What is one step you can take today to do something (anything!) different about this stuck area?

4. Are you stopping yourself from taking action because you are afraid it will be the "wrong" action?

Make July the month for new beginnings and an end to an old rut!

Dance with Joy,

Leanna Fredrich
Success Coach
"When you are ready to go from burned out to fired up!"

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